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nice-ness vs. truth

Kevin A. Parido

There was once a young woman that only knew and spoke the language of nice-ness.  She had learned it from her parents, her friends, she even learned it at church.  She spoke nice-ness with great eloquence.   She was nice to all people with her words, even when she wanted to something else.  She had no other language or set of words to describe anything other than nice-ness in her life.

This served her well for most of her life, and then something strange started happening.  At 34 years of age, she encountered a few situations that pushed her nice-ness to its limits.  Please understand,  she did not have evil in her heart.  She did not have ill-well or malice towards anyone, but the language of nice-ness no longer seemed to be enough to capture all that she was seeing and experiencing.

She was encountering times and spaces where her family, those she worked with, and even those she went to church with needed something more than nice-ness.  She tried all the variations and vocabulary of nice-ness, but nothing seemed to work.  She simply did not have a language that could bring about change and transformation in the varying areas of her life that she so deeply desired.

It was about this time that she remembered hearing a missionary that came to her church as a kid talk about another language.  The missionary said the language was easy to learn, but hard to speak.  The missionary said, “It comes easily in the place I live, yet here people seem to have a hard time speaking it.”

Through a quick google search, she found the missionary.  And she found that language that the missionary spoke was Truth.  Truth.

It was a word she knew.  She used it from time to time to communicate to others in language of nice-ness.  But she had no clue how it could be a whole other language.

So she set out to learn language of Truth.  She ordered  and read books.  She watched videos from the missionary.  She also quickly found others that had learned to speak truth.  As she listened closely to others around her, she realized they knew some truth, but could not speak it fully.

She set out to learn to speak truth.  But she also wanted to help others learn because as she spoke it, she found herself more and more alive.  She found that unlike nice-ness, speaking truth did not leave her feeling like a divided person.

She felt whole when she spoke truth.  Others felt whole when they heard and spoke truth.  Yet, it was not all peaches and cream – there were some that would not allow truth to be spoken in their presence.  Again, they would use nice-ness to tell her to stop (aka passive aggressive couched in the language of nice-ness).

The young woman hurt for those that could not hear nor speak truth.  She felt how they were bound in their nice-ness.   She was alive and willing to help others speak the language of truth.

She is not alone in her desire to be a speaker, sharer and teacher of truth.

We should all join her and learn speaking truth.  The world will not be changed by those that only speak nice-ness.

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