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Kevin Parido, Life Coach

Life Coaching is designed to create a supportive space where individuals can uncover their value and craft their own extraordinary journey. I specialize in guiding individuals, teams, and groups who are dedicated to helping others or are navigating a significant life or career transition. Let’s embark on this journey together and write the next chapter of your story.


One on One Coaching

In one on one coaching, we spend personalized time just helping you discern and determine your goal, where you are, what is standing in your way and what is next.  Coaching allows you see your life through a new lens of hope and action.


See coaching plans and pricing here. 

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Team coaching 

Everyone wants to their team to work in a way that is aligned with the mission of the organization.    

In team coaching, I help create and hold place so that your team can do the heavy lifting of getting alignment.    This can take on so many forms depending your needs and goals.  


Contact me here to talk options.


Group coaching 

Group coaching is where a group of folks gather together around a particular topic or passion they share.   We learn together about the topic and discuss how each of us write our new story in relationship to the new learning we are experiencing together .  


See this page for upcoming group coaching cohorts and topics

On Your Mark

Healthy churches require healthy leaders who are Spirit-led, biblically grounded, strategically minded, practically driven, and adapt to ever-changing cultural and community needs. For the past 7 years, Kevin Parido has guided our church’s Strategic Leadership Team in developing a purposeful and practical vision, discovering next-step opportunities for congregational transformation and community impact, navigating denominational upheaval and pastoral transition, and seeking new life for a new season of ministry. Leading congregations need not come with losing one’s way, one’s joy, or even (in the words of the 1980s band R.E.M.) “one’s religion.” Kevin Parido has been instrumental in helping our church and leaders keep our true north in loving God, loving people, and leading those entrusted to our Kingdom care.


John Boyd | Senior Pastor

Memorial United Methodist Church

Elizabethtown, Kentucky

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