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Kevin A. Parido

Luke 20

Reflections on Luke 20

First of all, I want to thank Desiree Rowe so much for filling and keeping the reflections on Luke going while I was off the grid for a few weeks.

Insert standing ovation here.

So what is happening in Luke 20:

First, we are no in Jerusalem, the place that Jesus said beforehand would meet his end at the hands of the elders, chief priests, and legal experts and after 3 days, be raised again (see Luke 9:22)

It is interesting to me that chapter 20 is all about interactions with these people that are at the heart of betraying him. Luke gives us a very detailed account of the interactions and what was going on in Jesus’ heart and mind and gives us insight into the religious leaders also.

I want to talk about 1-8 — the question of authority and the parable —9-19 and what they teach us.

So we start off with exact people – elders, chief priests and legal experts showing up the in the temple – after it was cleaned (see Luke 19:45-48) – and they are asking Jesus by what authority he teaches and does the things that he does.

He asked them a question in return: where did the baptism of John come from? They could not have a right answer – see text. And then Jesus says basically, “Since you can not answer me, I will not answer you.”

But this is not the end of this interaction. Jesus then tells a parable that answers the question of authority and condemns those that are listening.

The parable begins in Luke 20:9. A certain man plants a vineyard. Rented said vineyard to tenant farmers A certain man goes on a long trip. Sends a servant back to collect his money. Tenants beat him up Repeat same with 2 more servants, same result Then the certain man sends his son The son goes and the tenants say, “if we kill this guy, the inheritance will be ours” They kill the son The certain man will come and destroy tenant farmers and give the vineyard to others

Then Jesus tells them more – staring right at the religious leaders (Luke 20:17)

The religious leaders saw clearly the authority that Jesus was speaking about was the fact he was God’s son. And he was going to be rejected and killed by them


The Certain Man – God – would come and destroy the ones entrusted with the care of the vineyard (ie. Israel, God’s people). And the vineyard would be given to others. This others I feel like is an pointing towards Jesus offering the Gospel to all, not just God’s chosen people. The story widens with the death of Jesus and all are invited to be a part of God’s vineyard. We are all called to abide with Jesus — see John 15.

So those are my thoughts, what are yours.

Have a great week,


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