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Ode to Sarabeth, my love…

Kevin A. Parido

Today, you begin your 40th year on this earth

39 years behind, today the first of your new year

1999 was the first birthday I spent with you

I took you to Big Bowl if I remember rightly

The next year – 2000 – we were newly married – just 24 days in

Today, we are 19 years, and 24 days married

That is 6,959 days we have been married

If you are counting, our first date was 7465 (thank you Siri)

7 more onto that if go back to the carnation on February 14th, 1999

So since we have started this thing, it has been 7472 days as of today

We have lived in 1 condo, 2 houses

We have had a few cats (5ish?)

I think 11 or 12 dogs at last count

And at this moment – beyond all we could have asked or imagined –

We have 4 boys

Lukas Seth

Liam Elliott

Landon James

Larkin Bear

All of whom are different, but each are amazing

My point is this – a lot has happened

A ton of good times and more than we deserve great times

And a lot of hard and weird wilderness type of seasons

But we are here, together

I am thankful and grateful that we are in this together

I can not imagine nor do I want to imagine an alternate reality

or multi-verse without us

Instead I am deeply grateful and overwhelmed.

I was mess when we met – still am for that matter

But your love has always been constant and true

You have never waned in your support and care for me

And that love, you have also shared with our sons

That love has been magnified exponentially to them

You love our sons in ways that astonish me

This day I celebrate you and the life we have shared

You are strong,



and I still believe you are the funniest person I have ever met

You are more than I deserve

Better than I could have dreamt of

More consistent than I hoped for

Beyond anything that I could ever properly show to you 

This day I hope you know the special place you hold in my heart

Our boy’s hearts and in many other hearts of family and friends.

May this day mark the end of one season and the beginning of another

May you find joy and peace and hope

May you experience fully the new wine in this next season

May you find new wineskins to contain it all

I love you with all my heart

May you know all of this in the deepest parts of your heart and soul today.

-Kevin A. Parido, July 31, 2019


Why an ode?:  An ode is  an elaborately structured poem praising or glorifying an event or individual, describing the person intellectually as well as emotionally.  I wanted to write something that is forever public and forever floating on the internet cloud so that it is recorded and known for all the world to see and know.  May they all know my love for Sarabeth Parido.

Here, here – let us all raise our glasses…

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