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Relational integrity > organizational policing

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Relational integrity > Organizational policing

The first thing I find in many situations is this:   When things start getting a bit sideways in leadership, my gut is to police the situation.  I want to throw policies and protocols so that person or group does not do that certain thing again.

This is easy.  It is somewhat effective in the short term.  Yet over time, a few things start to happen.

  1. You get a really, really long policy manual for your organization that addresses every scenario.  The problem – no one pays attention to it. Many rules do not equal order.  Many rules do not equal obedience.

  2. You become a one who polices, not the one that leads.

That is why relational integrity is so, so much greater.

Relational integrity means that when a problem occurs, you talk to the person not only about what happened, but why it happened.  You show value to them by talking it with them.

A powerful question in this space:  “Help me understand why ‘X’ happened?”

In other words, let me hear your story and your heart.  Let’s talk about it.  Let’s take the next step together.  We are on the same team and let’s move together towards our mission.

I know this might seem so straightforward and obvious, but many times I forget it.  Many times I see those in leadership choose organizational policing over having and practicing relational integrity.

Please take stock of what you are doing in the space you lead in.

Which is greater in your leadership right now?  Relational integrity or organizational policing?

How do you tell which is greater?  Look at how you have spent your time in the past few weeks.

Lead well, my friends.

Strength and courage,


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